Tip Tuesday: Words can be Connecting OR Distancing

Words matter. Words have power. I realize this is not ground breaking information to most people. BUT, what most people don’t realize is there are small, every day words that carry a secret power to build – or break -connections between the speaker and listener. Take for example, the word “we”.  To many, it feels …

Tip Tuesday: Be Ready to Say Yes! (And Sometimes No.)

“Yes” is a magic word that can unlock a multitude of doors. It’s the core element in the building blocks of success. When you first publish your book (or launch a company, or a product, etc), it’s all about getting the word out, building the audience, brand, network, UNIVERSE in which it will exist. And …

Tip Tuesday: The Secret to Writing Success is in the Planning

It’s one thing to plan to write. Or to plan what you’re going to write. But actually planning FOR your writing is a whole other type of planning: one that many writers skip. In my writing classes, Class 1 is always focused on getting ready to write a book (or blog series or even an …